Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. New Client.

It's a happy start to the week in the studio as a great new client is welcomed into the world of Jamhot. We're very excited to get to work with ACCA, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Founded in 1904, ACCA is the global professional accounting body offering the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification - with members throughout the world.

We'll be partnering with their talented team on some upcoming design work, something that we hope our dearly loved former accountant Allan would be very proud of us for - especially since he knew that we were always much better with the words and visuals than we ever were with the studio numbers (we did always try our best).

We're looking forward to kicking this project work off soon, and might take this as an opportunity to update the big calculator that we use for doing the accounts to one of the fancy ones with a wee built in printer, always fancied getting one.