Gab 36. Creative Event With Ragged Edge.

Last night was a creative treat, as we welcomed Max Ottignon from London brand & design studio Ragged Edge to Glasgow for Gab 36. 

We were back in the amazing surroundings of The Britannia Panopticon (the world's oldest surviving music hall), for an evening of creative chat. 

First up we had an excellent talk fron Judith Bowers, the magical keeper & custodian of the Panopticon. Justith told us the incredible story of how she discovered the surviving remains of the hall above a false ceiling 27 years ago after feeling the building was calling her - and her epic one woman journey to save & preserve this one of a kind piece of history. 

We were then joined by freelance motion designer Andy Tomlinson, who told us how he got into motion design including a very cool fact that he designed the titles for 90's comedy series Spaced (directed by Edgar Wright).

Max then joined us to talk about their mission to save branding from blanding. It was a passionate talk, a call to arms to create interesting work - backed up with some of the top class projects from the Ragged Edge studio. We can't thank Max enough for taking time out to join us in Glasgow. 

And of course, we owe many thanks to Fee Sheal for being our most excellent host for the evening - which meant that Graeme actually enjoyed the event, getting to sit with some Irn Bru and Pringles (thanks Judith) and enjoy the talks. 

We would like to thank everyone who supported the event by grabbing a ticket, we really appreciate the support and your continued enthusiasm motivates us to keep the events going. With the talks selling out really quickly (in under 30 mins) we know there were a lot of folk who were unable to attend and we apologise for that - it's a tricky thing as we self fund the events and give the proceeds to charity, so it limits the amount we can spend on venue hire. We might try and do a bigger event later in the year (If Graeme's nerves can handle the planning and running of one ha ha!). 

We'll get planning the next event, and Gab 37 will be back after the summer.